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Back to topCTC Preventive measures of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Based on CTC’s principle to provide a safe working environment to our employees, and to protect our customers and suppliers, we implement following actions to try lowering the impact on the Coronavirus(COVID-19) as much as possible:
1. Publicize of healthcare advice and support of epidemic prevention material:CTC provides health education to help our employees acknowledging correct epidemic prevention concepts. The routine disinfection efforts at the office is stepped up in both the working areas and public spaces regularly. CTC also provides antibacterial cleaning fluid, medical mask and mask cover which can be repeatedly washed to the employees.
2. Epidemic prevention SOP: Before entering the factory, all the people needs to be measured with body temperature(Forehead temperature have to be <37.5°C), washing hands thoroughly, wearing medical masks and complete health declaration. Those who have record of overseas traveling need to complete the 14 days home quarantine before entering CTC facility. (PS/You may download the Visitors Novel Coronavirus Health Declaration below , and please pass it to your contact after completing it.)
3. Reduce the risk of contagion: Cancel all the overseas business trips and substitute it with online meeting. Contact with domestic customers via conference call or video call instead of personal visit. Encourage employees to communicate through online tools, such as Slack and Zoom.
4. Work in segregated spaces: Separate and larger the interval between employees in working areas and public spaces. Setting clapborad to each seat in the restaurant and disinfecting regularly to reduce the risk of contagion.
5. Work from home: For those employees who can accomplish their job at home, we implement work from home policy, using tools like VPN, Webmail and Zoom
Above preventive actions will be adjusted based on the condition of epidemic. Our ultimate goal is to keep all the employees, customers and suppliers safe and lower the impact of Coronavirus. We wish everyone can go through this difficult time safely.

Coil Technology Epidemic Prevention Team
CTC is a professional service provider for high-end power supply modules (AC to DC Converter and DC to DC Converter) for critical applications worldwide since 30 years. Our core competence is to design and deliver products with leading technologies, competitive pricing, extremely flexible lead-time, global technical service and high-quality manufacturing (Made In Taiwan).
CTC is the only corporation certificated with ISO-9001, IATF-16949, ISO22613(IRIS), and ESD/ANSI-2020. We can 100% ensure not only the product, but also our workflow and service to match quality management system for every high-end application from the very beginning. From design to manufacturing and technical support, every single detail is operated under highest standard.